Sunday, December 24, 2006

I Wanna Be Your Dog - The Stooges (The Stooges, 1969)

Our history lesson is running in roughly chronological order - not so much in terms of the dates these songs came out, but in the sequence in which they had an influence on teenaged me. Strictly speaking, using either measure, 'I Wanna Be Your Dog' doesn't really belong here, but in so many other ways it logically links the British Metal period with the punk rock that followed. I always associate The Stooges with my friend Wayne Skaret (Karen's older brother). We started hanging out in Grade 10. Wayne was a brooding, angry, skater kid at the time, who owned an Orange Datsun 310 (0r something like that) which he decorated with plastic flowers and literally hundreds of plastic insects. We spent a lot of time in that car with the punk rock blaring - mostly doing 7-11 runs from the school parking lot, stocking up on Slurpees and 3 for $1 hot dogs. Always during spares... of course. We loved Harry Ainlay far too much to skip a moment of class.

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